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Here you can learn all about our actionable people insights. Learn what they are, where to find them, how they are structured, how you can best use them on the platform and how we generate them.

What are People Insights?

People insights are actionable insights derived from the analysis of your data. They uncover patterns, trends, and relationships within the data and articulate them in a concise manner. Instead of having to navigate through multiple dashboards regularly, people insights provide you with a single sentence summary of the most important insights that can be gleaned from your data. They guide you towards the specific dashboards that require closer examination and highlight any emerging changes in your data. These insights are "actionable," meaning they have a tangible impact on your business and allow you to take proactive measures. This effortless approach enables you to focus on and report on what truly helps your company thrive.


Types of Insights

We distinguish five different types of insights on our platform:

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